Short summary
The article gave detailed introduction to why people need to keep active and reported that there are differences between different ethnic groups, age groups and genders. Naila a councillor born in Pakistan said she had to change her how she kept active when she came to this country due to the weather. She wants to advocate for people from her community especially the women as they tend to look after the family and not look after themselves. Ayo is the founder of Global Vision Initiative - a charity organisation focused on empowering disadvantaged black, Asian and minority ethnic communities through social activities, events, employability, social sports and music projects. A lot of inactivity in ethnic minority groups is due to lack of inclusive social opportunities, culturally appropriate activities and awareness of ways to keep moving. Starring Naila, Ayo and other people from six of the 10 Greater Manchester boroughs, the Keep Moving campaign encourages everyone across the region to become more active, no matter who you are, your background or your struggles.
Date of publication
Phoebe Jobling
What do we learn
Naila and Ayodeji joined the Get Moving campaign to encourage more inclusion and diversity in the campaign migrants may not be active due to change in the weather, which is
different from their home country, thus not going out the differences as
reported could be due to lack of inclusive
opportunities, culturally appropriate activities and awareness of ways
to keep moving migrants are in low level jobs and have to do 2 or more
jobs may nort have time to be moving or neglect health due to looking
after others in the family
advocate, inclusive, diversity, role model
manchester Evening News