Short summary
Nahla Eljack 'spent her career helping others' and championed the rights of migrant women. Tributes are being paid to an inspirational community worker who dedicated her life and career to helping others, after her tragic death. She was also heavily involved in the creation of the Manchester Refugee Charter, which has been endorsed by more than 100 individuals and organisations including the council, Nahla held a masters degree in environmental studies and her dedication to people and the environment was a consistent theme in her life. She was known for her sense of humour and infectious laugh, her passion for charitable and environmental causes, and her dedication to her family.
Date of publication
Paul Britton
What do we learn
Nahla worked within communities to help make a difference to refugees, for women's rights, supported and donated to orphanages in Sudan. She worked across different sectors , in Manchester Council, with businesses and on environmental causes. Nahla was a lady who was affectionate, made a difference to other people's lives especially refugees and migrants
migrants champion, made things happen, made a difference
manchester Evening News