Short summary
We learn about Amina's experience being trafficked into the UK as a young girl and being detained at Yarl's Wood an immigration detention facility. We also learn about her journey of being co founder of MAMA - a campaign group of multicultural women from different backgrounds, many single parents, and it's a community based group. It's women fighting for each other. The finishing point of the article is that people placed in detention centres have valuable skills and could become vital contributors to society.
Date of publication
Lisa Rand
What do we learn
Young people trafficked into the UK face danger from the people they are being sent to, but also from the state in the form of detention centres which criminalise vulnerable people and subject them to harm. This has driven people with lived experience to form grassroots campaign groups to support others and action change.
Trafficked, Women, System, Detention, Rights, Fight, Discrimination
Liverpool Echo
Child Inappropriate